
Binomial distribution

Maths & Stats

Problem no. 20 Is the answer actually 8?? I think the options are wrong.. Pls correct me..


Jaswanth P

Jaswanth P

CA Inter


25-May-23 14:05


Answers (1)

Best Answer

the points of inflexion are 40 and 60 respectively, then the mean is the midpoint of 40 and 60, which is 50. The standard deviation is the distance from the mean to either point of inflexion, which is 10. The mean deviation of a normal distribution is approximately 0.8 times the standard deviation. So, the mean deviation of this normal distribution is 0.8 x 10 = 8.

Sandeep Kumar

Sandeep Kumar

CA Inter


25-May-23 14:32

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