
Budget and budgetary control


Sir , in this sum how we calculate the other variable cost per unit of product B and product C for 20X3 . In question , they gives only the other variable cost per unit of product A is same . How we calculate other variable cost per unit for B & C ?


Srini Sriram

Srini Sriram

CA Final


11-Aug-20 17:51


Answers (1)

In the question, it is stated that other variable cost of Product A is Rs.0.25 per unit, Product B is Rs.0.30 per unit. It is also anticipated that other variable cost of Product C is same as that of Product A. So, other variable cost of Product C is Rs.0.25 per unit.

Madhuri Veluri

Madhuri Veluri

CA Inter


11-Aug-20 23:35

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