
Meaning for terms under SA 200


Sir.... What is the difference between Appropriate opinion and Relevant opinion?

Girinath A

Girinath A

CA Inter


04-Apr-21 09:19


Answers (2)

1. If the auditor obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence i.e. reasonable evidence in order to give his opinion on financial statements, that opinion is called "Appropriate Opinion" 2. Appropriateness is the measure of quality of the audit evidence i.e. relevance. Relevance is the logical connection to the audit procedures and assertions. Hence we have to conclude that, there will be appropriate opinion only and relevance will be the part of that appropriate opinion. If the auditor failed to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence, then it is called "Inappropriate Opinion"

Yoga Vishnu

Yoga Vishnu

CA Final


05-Apr-21 11:17

Thank you sir

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Girinath A

Girinath A

CA Inter


05-Apr-21 11:57

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