


Sir what is the meaning of this sentence given in the below attachment? Whether benefit of underwriting given or not? Whether firm underwriting includes in or not? Please explain it


Sajan Gangadharan

Sajan Gangadharan

CA Final


01-Apr-21 08:14


Answers (4)

It means that firm underwriting applications were to be sent unmarked similar to that of public. And they will be allotted in their underwriting ratio.

Sahibdeep Singh

Sahibdeep Singh

CA Inter


01-Apr-21 11:09

Sahibdeep Singh

It means that firm underwriting applications were to be sent unmarked similar to that of public. And they will be allotted in their underwriting ratio.

Sir ididntgot you. Can you explain it once more. I need to know whether this firm underwriting is included in unmarked applications. What is its accounting treatment And soultion forthis question.

Thread Starter

Sajan Gangadharan

Sajan Gangadharan

CA Final


01-Apr-21 13:51

Sir to be more specific whether itmeans " treat firm underwriting recieved as that of unmarked aplication" So while alloting unmarked application, amount inclusive of firm underwriting is taken. Is my interpretation correct.

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Sajan Gangadharan

Sajan Gangadharan

CA Final


01-Apr-21 13:55

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