
CMA Exam


Sir/Mam as far as ICMAI exams are concerned the institute normally conducts 2 times in a year i.e: In june/December. But from the recent update last month it seems like institute is planning to conduct exams 3times in a year for Cma inter/final student and every quarter (4times) in a year for Foundation students. So i would like to put forward my suggestion i.e to include an additional term from (june or after june attempt) to (September or October) in the nature it would be convenient for us to purchase within the said term and enrich ourselves. Thank you

Vijay Anthony

Vijay Anthony

CMA Inter


04-Feb-22 22:14


Answers (2)

WIll definitely do once ICMAI comes out with a clear announcement

Sriram Somayajula

Sriram Somayajula


06-Feb-22 09:13

Sriram Somayajula Admin

WIll definitely do once ICMAI comes out with a clear announcement

Thank u

Thread Starter

Vijay Anthony

Vijay Anthony

CMA Inter


07-Feb-22 10:22

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