
Top down approach

Information Systems

What does different modules mean?


Sugam SM

Sugam SM

CA Inter


18-Jun-23 17:49


Answers (4)

which chapter

Surya Prakash

Surya Prakash

CA Final


18-Jun-23 21:41

Surya Prakash

which chapter

Module means sofware used in particular department.Every department has separate module controlling their own activity There are many modules in the ERP system. Eg: inventory module keep track of inventory related activities. , Accounting module keep track of accounting related activities

Krishnan K

Krishnan K

CA Inter


19-Jun-23 07:59

Hello, Think of it like this: you've got a computer program for handling your sales, Purchases, and your inventory. When you look at it all together, you call it 'Accounting Software.' But when you break it down, each part is called a 'module.' It's like a house - one big thing made of smaller parts, like rooms. In the same way, lots of modules come together to make up your full software.

Anwesh Shetty

Anwesh Shetty


19-Jun-23 09:06

Individual Modules Offer